How to Rehome a pet
If you are reading this, you may feel that it is too late, but keeping your animal is often the best solution for both you and your pet. Depending on the reason you feel that your pet can no longer stay with you, resources are available. A few reasons are listed below:
Behavioral issues: It often feels like you have tried everything, but a professional can often help you think of other, new things to try. Contact Us for a list of suggestions.
Change in circumstances: ie: new baby, new job, finances, etc. Keeping a pet may require a change in daily life or reprioritizing some things. Ultimately, your pet’s best chance is with you, and it is worth taking a serious look at how you can continue to care for him.
As much as possible, start thinking about this ahead of time. For example, if you are pregnant and concerned about your pet, start evaluating your situation early-on. If you are concerned about behavioral issues, seek help prior to a crisis. If you know your lease will be up, or you hate where you live, start looking for pet-friendly rentals months in advance.
Here are a few things that will already have made your life easier, but if you haven’t done them, this is your excuse to do them, as they will make your pet more adoptable:
Spay/neuter your pet, and make sure his shots are up-to-date.
(For dogs) Reinforce any basic training like not jumping on people, staying home alone without barking.
Reinforce potty training/litter box training.
Talk to the shelter, rescue, or breeder about taking the pet back. Many shelters and rescues will take animals that they have adopted out back into their programs. Responsible breeders will also take their animals back.
Ask friends
Make flyers & post on Craigslist
If bought from a breeder talk to them about taking the dog back
If your pet came from So Many Whiskers, Inc., please contact us. We will request that you fill out a short form. Your pet will stay with you until a foster home is located, and we cannot guarantee immediate placement. Your pet must be up-to-date on shots, and So Many Whiskers, Inc. asks for a donation to offset some of the costs of rehoming a pet.
Bad Rap has some good info on this page: http://www.badrap.org/adoption-strategies

We encourage all pet owners seeking assistance to reach out to Rescue Well.
Rescue Well’s Placement Managers provide free re-homing assistance by marketing your pet to potential adopters and rescue groups, and by providing initial screening and re-home advice. We know the decision to re-home your pet can be difficult; we are here to help you every step of the way.
Crisis Hotline: (410) 456-1392
Website: www.rescuewell.org